Monday | Tuesday | |
09:10 | Registration | |
09:25 | Welcome | |
09:30 |
D. Zueco 1 |
A. Sanpera 1 |
11:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
11:30 |
D. Zueco 2 |
A. Sanpera 2 |
13:00 | Lunch | Lunch |
15:00 |
M.-C. Bañuls 1 |
16:30 | Coffee Break | |
17:00 |
M.-C. Bañuls 2 |
A. Winter 2 CANCELLED |
20:30 | Social dinner |
Speakers and topics:
Andreas Winter (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Quantum correlations CANCELLED
Abstract: Quantum states, even pure states, of composite systems are typically correlated, making correlation a ubiquitous feature of quantum systems, compared to classical ones where correlation is always due to a mixture over uncorrelated states. While quantum correlations are a field too broad for a single tutorial, I will cover entanglement and separability in bipartite systems, including entanglement measures, unique properties of entanglement such as monogamy, and criteria for separability. Contrary to the naive expectation, separability of a state doesn't have to mean that the correlation is classical, as I will discuss on the examples of data hiding and other "quantum correlations beyond entanglement", which surprisingly even exhibit a weak kind of monogamy.
Mari-Carmen Bañuls (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik): Tensor Network States for the study of quantum many-body systems: ground states and time evolution LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
Abstract: The term Tensor Network States has become a common one in the context of numerical studies of quantum many-body problems. It refers to a number of families that represent different ansatzes for the efficient description of the state of a quantum many-body system. The first of these families, Matrix Product States (MPS), lies at the basis of Density Matrix Renormalization Group methods, which have become the most precise tool for the study of one dimensional quantum many-body systems. Their natural generalization to two or higher dimensions, the Projected Entanglement Pair States (PEPS) are good candidates to describe the physics of higher dimensional lattices. They can be used to study equilibrium properties, as ground and and thermal states, but also dynamics.
Anna Sanpera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Ultracold gases for quantum information and simulations LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
Abstract: Quantum Information is having a profound impact in several areas of physics ranging from quantum optics, quantum many-body systems, quantum chemistry or high energy physics just to mention some. In this lecture I will focus in ultracold gases and explain what quantum simulators are. In particular I will devoted to simulators of strongly correlated systems and in the plethora of exciting phenomena that such systems present. I will then approach these systems from a quantum information perspective analyzing the behaviour displayed by the quantum correlations present on them. Such approach allows us to recover well stablished condensed matter concepts such as criticality, universality and quantum phase transitions and to link symmetries and conformal field theory to quantum information quantities. We will also discuss bipartite versus multipartite entanglement in strongly correlated systems and briefly overview many most open questions in the subject.
David Zueco (Universidad de Zaragoza): Circuit QED LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
Abstract: This course tries to be a self-consistent introduction to circuit QED. The lectures start by discussing the light-matter coupling, cavity QED and its different regimes: weak, strong and ultrastrong. Notions on input-output theory are introduced to understand quantum optical master equations and measurement schemes. The second part sketches the Josephson effect and discuss the quantization of superconducting circuits. Then, we built a circuit analogue for the cavity QED optical layout and we discuss the possibilities of circuits as a toolbox for doing quantum optics on a chip. The third part tries to give an overview of the advances in circuit QED in the performance of quantum simulators, quantum computers and microwave quantum optical devices.