No registration fee is required to attend this school thanks to the funding from and UIB - University of Balearic Islands (to be confirmed).
Full funding for twenty participants of the RICE network is provided by . It will cover travel expenses, housing, and meals not only during the School but also during the ICE-3 conference that follows the School (only the conference registration fee will not be covered). Selected participants will pay for their own flight tickets and accomodation, and will be refunded later (after the event). Only participants that attend the full program of the school will be funded. For any technical information about funding, please contact Ms. María Jesús Vallejo Benito (
Documents requested to funded participants from Spain:
- original "orden de servicio" or original authorization to travel or displacement from the home University or workplace.
- Declaration of not receiving other funding for the same concept (declaration to be signed by participants from Spain [PDF] [ODT])
- Flight receipt, flight ticket, and original boarding passes
- Tickets/receipts for Underground, trains, taxis, buses.
- Original accommodation receipt. Only individual bills (even in the case of a shared room) are accepted. Furthermore, if the invoice
is issued by a travel agency, some document is required from the hotel proving the actual use of the room (this can be replaced by the key
holder card or a consumer bill in this hotel).
- Copy of Certificate of Attendance
- Bank account data (bank document to report the ownership of beneficiary IBAN and SWIFT codes).
Documents requested to funded participants from abroad:
- Copy of passport
- Form for foreign participants [PDF] [ODT]
- Original invoice (if applicable), original hard copy of the flight ticket and boarding passes
- Original invoice of housing (individual invoices)
- Copy of Certificate of Attendance