The first RICE School "New trends in Quantum Information" will be held between the 11th April and 12th April 2016 at IFISC (Institute for Cross-interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and will be followed by the ICE-3 Conference.. The school is designed for PhD students and postdocs who are interested in learning about both experimental and theoretical aspects of quantum phenomena and information.
The Spanish Network on Quantum Information (RICE) promotes research in quantum information, simulations and technologies, through the establishment of collaborations inside the network and with international groups, and the training of new scientists in these topics. Among RICE activities, the organization of conferences has been particularly successful and this year a further step is taken with the organization of a RICE school. Twenty participants and the lecturers will be funded (travel, accommodation, meals) by RICE. Funding will also cover the attendance (not the registration fee) to the conference.
During the two days of school, there will be four courses of three hours each focused on different topics of quantum information. All lectures will be broadcasted live and recorded (see links below). Lectures titles:
Mari-Carmen Bañuls (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik): Tensor Network States for the study of quantum many-body systems: ground states and time evolution LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
Anna Sanpera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Ultracold gases for quantum information and simulations LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
Andreas Winter (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Quantum correlations CANCELLED
David Zueco (Universidad de Zaragoza): Circuit QED LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2
For schedule and abstracts see PROGRAM. The official language of the School is English.
School Chairs: Juan José Garcia Ripoll (IFF, CSIC) Roberta Zambrini (IFISC, CSIC-UIB) |
Organizers: Antoni Borràs (UIB) Gian Luca Giorgi (IFISC, CSIC-UIB) |
The school will be followed by the ICE-3 Conference. All the students who plan to attend the conference are strongly encouraged to present a poster. A 2-minutes plenary presentation of the abstract is planned before the poster session.
Registration from 11/01/2016 until 15/02/2016.
Registration is now closed